Astro-Lounge Riesa

In January our club starts a frequent meeting place for members and the intressted population. At every first Saturday in a month the citizens should come to us at 18 p.m. and in the summer at rise of the darkness to take part in our public observations. Every of these observations have a special topic. Before these observation the Astro-Lounge takes place in our association rooms from 16 to 18 p.m. At this visiting time you should be able to speak about all issues with us you are interested in. Memberships, questions, donations and general things should be discussed in these dates with persons from the association.

Before these events starts, the members of the observatory club meet each other in the association rooms and discuss the monthly activities. Therefore the association can maintain his organisation first of all. But it is to be calculated on a clear decline of the public dates, because the time budget limits very much and lies only in the spare time of the involved members. Association can take over only duties which correspond to the main functions and the economic security of the association. This will strongly limit our scope of action, but it is a direct effect of the financial incisions.

This 1st Saturday evening should nevertheless be used in the month also for the regular, common observation. To these “Riesaer Starhour” we invite also the public.

07.02. 18 – 22 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Riesaer Sternstunde – Eiszeit am Sternenhimmel“
07.03. ab 18 Uhr Flugplatz Canitz „Riesaer Sternstunde“
04.04. ab 20 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Beobachtungsnacht – Ringplanet Saturn“
02.05. ab 21 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Planetenbeobachtung – Unser Sonnensystem“
06.06. ab 18 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Sonnenbeobachtung mit anschließender Nachtbeobachtung“
04.07. 21 bis 22 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Riesaer Sternstunde – Die Sommermilchstraße“
01.08. ab 21 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Eine Reise durch die Sternbilder des Sommerdreiecks“
05.09. ab 18 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Sonnen- und Sternenbeobachtung im Sternwartenteleskop“
10.10. ab 20 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Beobachtungsabend Sternhaufen und Galaxien im Herbstviereck“
07.11. 18 bis 19 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Riesaer Sternstunde – Kugelsternhaufen“
05.12. ab 18 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Riesaer Sternstunde im Advent“
03.01. 18 – 20 Uhr Sternwarte Riesa „Riesaer Sternstunde – zur Neujahresbeobachtung“